Mojitos at 11 (and Other Model Myths)

Just one more reason to (not) be convinced that models are like everyone else: Daria Werbowery was quoted on The Cut as loving to do everyday girl things such as downing mojitos as 11am, singing Ace of Base on karaoke, and not brushing her hair for weeks.  If this doesn’t convince you that models are normal, then you’re right.  Because her hair still looks perfect, she takes amazing photos, and never once looks hungover.  But, after all,  it is Daria.

Magazine: Vogue UK, June 2009
Editorial: Indian Summer
Photographer: Patrick Demarchelier
Model: Daria Werbowy

Image courtesy of The Stylizer

See Me, Entice Me, Buy Me

Spring fashion advertisements are finally out and they are screaming for me to buy their products.  A well done ad can do more to sell clothes than the clothes themselves sometimes.

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My favorites are, of course, Daria Werbowy for Salvatore Ferragamo, Karolina Kurkova for Bottega Veneta, and Iselin Steirofor for Chloe.   Which ones are you loving?

Images courtsey of The Cut

Tracking the Days

Calendars are all the rage again.  Between Karl Lagerfeld’s 2011 Pirelli calendar and the Vogue Paris 2011 calendar featuring the gorgeous Daria Werbowery, a girl might have a hard time choosing which paper she wants to X out the dates on. 

Karl’s calendar portrays women as goddesses, literally taking goddess from Greek mythology and having a muse portray them.  Anja Rubik is Hermes.  Julianna Moore as Hera and Iris Strubegger as the mightly Athena.  Mr. Lagerfeld did not leave out the gentlemen, whom he had posing as various Greek gods in all their glory. He does striking up close shots of his muses, but my favorites by far are the half-full body poses.  The women just look so strong.  There is certainly no denying a women caring a bow and arrow (check out the Daria Werbowy shot – yes, she’s in this one too!).  

The Vogue Paris calendar features a different sort of goddess beauty – one that is raw, feminine, and totally captivating. 

I think I have a new found love for the calendar.  Which one might find itself hanging on your walls this upcoming year?

Images courtesy of Fashion Rising and The Cut.

First Daria Now Lanvin

H&M Fall 2010

H&M is stepping up their game.  They’ve been working with my all time favorite model Daria Werbowy for a few seasons now and I just LOVE their fall 2010 images.  They’ve done a few collaborations with various designers, Jimmy Choo, Sonia Rykiel to name a few, that to be honest, I haven’t been totally impressed with.  But now they’re doing a collaboration with Lanvin!  Or rather, Lanvin is doing a collaboration with them….

Anyone else excited to see the looks for this collection??

Images and video courtesy of H&M Youtube channel and various websites

pssssst – don’t forget to vote for me in Project Style here!

Weekend Thoughts

romantic dinners out with the husband to local hot spot, debuting new suede studded peep toe clogs, apartment appointments, kashi cereal, movie nights, reading the girl who kicked the hornet’s nest, weekly family dinner, devouring the new september issue of marie claire with mary kate olsen and my new vogue paris august 2009 with daria werbowy, working woman clothes shopping, white wine and brownies.

AM Blog Reading

I have a routine.  On mornings that my husband and I get to sleep in, we typically wake up around 7am or so.  Not really sleeping, but we tend to stay lazy in bed for a few hours watching Seinfeld or reading our respective blogs and news.  My favorite thing to do in these hours is lay in bed, slowly waking up, and read through my fashion blogs for the day.  I have the ones I read always, every day, and then I go through and read some of the ones I haven’t looked at in a while, or find new blogs that I might like.

Here are a few of my new finds, a good mix of fashion, art, and just fun.  Let me know what you think.

  • Daria Werbowy Gallery – I recently did a Model Fave post on Daria and got a great comment and referred to this site.  It has everything DW including magazine covers, editorials, and my personal favorites, rare candids.  Check this out if you’re interested in all things Daria and love gorgeous photos.
  • Styled On – Make a profile, attach your blog link, surf fashion, culture, and home decor.  Upload photos, comment on others, <3 them, and be featured!  A very fun interactive style site.
  • Citizen Couture – A street style blog with huge images, mini profiles on the featured fashionistas (and fashion-menistas), complete with outfit details and their blog links so you can follow those you like.  A really gorgeous layout and fun way to follow style.
  • Olsens Anonymous – A girl can’t leave out the Olsens in a blog round-up now can she??  If you don’t like to read, but love pictures that range from candid, to shopping, to Starbucks trips, to dressed out, to random, this is a great blog.  I check it (not regularly), but probably a couple of times a week just to keep up to speed with what MK and A are donning these days.

What about you?  Do you have a blog reading routine?   What are some I should check out?

Image courtesy of coucou jolie!