Favorites from Milan

Luisa Beccaria

A collection truly made for every woman.  For her runway models Ms. Beccaria chose not the usual stick thin flavor of the moment model, but girls from her actual clientele base. It was immediately apparent there was something different about these girls, and it gave the audience a chance to see the clothes, their movement, and ability to charm real girls into wearing them in a way that models never really could.  The clothes themselves were gorgeous and if I were going to a wedding or other event that called for a jaw-dropping beautiful gown, Luisa Beccaria would fill my closet.


I’ve never really been a Gucci girl. Ii can’t stand their green and red logo and the clothes have never really appealed to me.  This collection, however, had enough of what I’ve been liking recently to transform even me into a certified Gucci Girl.  The more I look through this strong collection the more I wonder why I’ve never noticed Gucci before.  This collection had the perfecting amount of “provocative glamour” that I really love in clothes.  No plain Jane here.

Now that the fashion weeks have come to a close, who else is ready to skip fall and go full speed ahead into next spring??  (Not really… I need a good excuse to wear boots and blazers for the next few months!)
Images courtesy of Style.com

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